Case-mix: position of diagnoses on records

The data provided by HES gives us information in terms of finished consultant episodes (FCEs). But quite often a patient may have a continuous stay in hospital which includes more than one FCE (a Continuous Inpatient Spell, or CIPS). We are often interested in analysing by CIPS, so decisions have to be made about how to identify and select the diagnostic information contained on the separate FCEs in a CIPS.

It is useful, therefore, to know for each diagnosis:

  • how many CIPS records comprise just one FCE,
  • how many CIPS records comprise several FCEs (a "multiple FCE spell"),
  • whether a particular diagnosis is recorded in the main diagnostic position, or elsewhere, and whether it is recorded on the first FCE, the last FCE, or on an intermediate FCE, and on combinations of these.

These tables show, for each diagnosis, how frequently that diagnosis appears in different positions on a record, for both FCEs, and CIPSs.

Enter an ICD10 diagnostic code or type in a diagnosis to search the database. You can also choose whether you want to restrict your search by gender and admission type (whether elective or emergency). Or you can ask for a fuller report showing all figures.

ICD 10 code:
or Diagnosis text search: how does this work?
Type of admission:
Full report? YesNo
Years: -

Big Data Institute

Unit of Health Care Epidemiology

The content of this website was designed and produced by Michael Goldacre, Nick Hall, Mattasser Nazir, Leicester Gill, Myfanwy Griffith, and Glenys Bettley.

The work was funded at various times by the Department of Health, the NHS National Co-ordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development, the Department of Health's National Institute for Health Research, the Department of Health's National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, and the Nuffield Department of Population Health.

© 2025 Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LF
Tel: +44 (0)1865 289377/8