Case-mix: Clinical combinations
Using a database of hospital episodes in the UK from
1998 up to the present day, analysed as Finished
Consultant Episodes (FCEs), we tabulated
numbers of FCEs where a particular diagnosis or operation occurs on
the same FCE as another diagnosis or operation. The purpose of the tables
is to provide information relevant to understanding and studying case-mix.
Each FCE will have a main diagnosis
field and has fields for up to 19 other diagnoses recorded for that
patient during the FCE. Similarly, there will be a main operation field,
and fields for up to 23 other operations performed and/or information
such as the site or laterality of an operation.
So, for example, we can show the total
number of episodes where asthma appears as a main
diagnosis, and list the condtions most likely to occur in any other
diagnosis field. Alternatively, we can look at the number of records
where asthma appears in any field, or any
field other than main. Then we can list
the conditions that also appear elsewhere on these records. We can look
at operation codes in a similar way. For example we can look at an operation
of interest and see what other operations were undertaken in the same
admission. Or we can see, for that operation, what diagnoses were recorded
in association with it. Some of the associated diagnoses will be those
for which the operation was undertaken; others will be those that represent
comorbidity; and others may be those that arose as postoperative complications.
To begin, please select one of the following combinations: